NAME: Leney
AGE: 20
HOMETOWN: Richmond Virginia
BLOG: A Girl Named Leney
BLOGGING SINCE: September 2010
How would you describe your style? I never know what to say when people ask me this! I tend to dress according to how I feel that day. I can be caught in anything from a pair of belted overalls, to a vintage 60's flowery dress, to a pair of black levi's and heels. I don't particularly ascribe to any one label or description. However I do have a love for all things vintage and the majority of my wardrobe is either thrifted or from my Mom's or Grandmother's closet! I've been told I dress indie a lot as well. So I'll leave the estimation up to you!
Who/what is your biggest style influence? I would have to say I go through phases. I am definitely very vintage inspired (as I mentioned before) but I also love following a variety of fashion bloggers and getting ideas from the latest trends that they are wearing. I'm also very inspired by street style pictures. Such as those taken by The Sartorialist or Calivintage.
What are your 3 closet essentials? A dress, a cute belt and my favorite .75 vintage 60's sunglasses!
What are your favorite hobbies? I have a lot of hobbies! My favorites are probably anything arts and crafts related. Primarily knitting, photography, sewing and making jewelry. I have an Etsy shop that I opened a few months ago and I love making things for that. A portion of my proceeds go to various causes fighting against human trafficking.

If you could give one piece of style advice, what would it be? Be yourself. That's essentially what fashion is all about right? Being able to express yourself and who you are through what you wear. If you love something, even if it's not "in style" per say, wear it anyway! Don't let other people dictate who you are and what you love.
What is your motto? No one's ever asked me that before! But I think if there's something I tend to live by day to day it's that you have to find happiness in the little things. Because if you base all your happiness on big things, you're not going to be happy very often. So it's usually things like phone calls from friends, a chance to relax with a good book, and a visit to the local Krispy Kreme that make my day. And also I try to remember that no matter how bad a situation might be, everything will be ok in the end.

Any advice for anyone who wants to start her/his own blog? Just start! You'll be blogging for yourself at first, but that's half the fun. Getting to see your thoughts and adventures all written out and documented. And soon other people will take interest too and you'll have lots of new friends. That's what's so great about the blogging community. Everyone is so nice and friendly and so willing to encourage and support one another. It's fun to have friends, though virtual, all over the world!
What is your new years resolution? (if you have one) I typically am not one for new years resolutions. Mostly because as soon as I seem to resolve to do something it instantly doesn't happen. However, this year I made an unofficial resolution to dedicate more time to my Etsy shop, photography and blogging. They are the things I love doing and I want to dedicate as much time as I can to them. I also want to travel a lot this year! So we'll see how all that goes.
Thanks for coming over Leney! Go ahead and give her some blog lovin'
She is too adorable! Love her style!
ReplyDeleteoh my i just love this girl. i haven't stopped by her blog in forever so i'm gonna head that way now!
Thanks so much for the kind words Sherri! You are such a love. :)
ReplyDelete<3 Leney